Saturday, November 5, 2011


Well. Here I am. Sick as a dog and at home for the weekend, away from mostly everything.
As I sit on the couch covered in blankets and watch Something Borrowed for the third time, all the while refreshing my Facebook and contemplating every detail of life. The past week I have felt an overwhelming presence of drama and stress from all aspects. It is so easy to get caught up in what someone did or said or what not. Why do we expect so much from people? Why are we so shocked or offended when someone decides to do something we would quote on quote never even think of. When in actuality, the fact of the matter remains the same. We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Rom 3:23. Why are we so selfish and  boastful that we have to make ourselves look good? Ugh. It is easy to call another person out on what they are doing, but we all have our moments and aspects in our lives we are not proud of. I was looking at old high school journal entries and it is amusing how I always complained about the same thing each and every day. Of course there are some differences now, but overall nothing has changed. School is still a struggle, track is still a love/hate relationship and life is still a mystery. The most important thing is striving to be the best you can be. Reaching out to God first and foremost. Realizing where your heart is and who you can turn to for truth and comfort.
I don't know. Just some ideas.

I wish I wasn't sick and I wish I didn't cry watching sappy chick flicks. That's why this world isn't perfect I guess.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Back on track

I guess my summer break is at an end. If I were to compare where I am now to last year, there would be a whole lot of changes. Last summer I seemed fairly emo, mainly because of Isaac just wanting to be friends with me, even though I had the hugest crush on him. What a jerk right? Hahah well I'm obviously glad things worked out and are better than ever between us. Even though he is backpacking right now through the mountains for a week, so I'm pretty bored, yet find myself keeping busy, and missing him more than ever.
Some other changes just in the past couple of months include my sisters wedding, which was stressful. Although, the whole ceremony and reception was absolutely beautiful and my sister was gorgeous with radiating love glowing toward her husband. It made all of the hard work definitely worth it.

On a more somber note, my bright shining goldfish of 2 years Junior passed away. He was an amazing goldfish and lasted longer than any of my boyfriends lol. I'm still trying to decide if I want to get another one or not, it may be too soon to tell.

My exercise habits are even worse than last summer, my unhealthy eating is worse than ever and it shows. That being said, today I committed to the free exercise classes the Burien Community Center is offering this week and running a mile after each one I go to. The Pilates class I tried today wasn't too impressive, hopefully the Zumba class tomorrow morning will be better! Working out really does make a HUGE difference. I need to be a stud in track for my last year!! Turning 21 definitely did not help my cause either. There is no  nutritional value in alcohol, so I want to try hard and stick to water and avoid desserts. I feel like I have said this before . . but I really do want to stick to it! How sad is it for an exercise science student to completely disregard everything that has been taught?? I do not want to become a hypocrite.

School starts back up a week from Wednesday. My senior year! I'm hoping and praying I can get everything done in time to graduate in the spring.

One of my friends just got engaged and her wedding is on 11/11/11! I'm one of the bridesmaids and can't wait. Yes, weddings are a lot of work when being involved, but I still love them :)

That's mainly the happenings going on. I'm still broke and looking for a job. My efforts aren't really there though.
Time for the motivation to kick in!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Half and half

Here we are. Halfway done with summer classes and I definitely did not do well on a test this morning. I just need to pass these classes and my summer will be redeemed. All I can do now is focus on studying. No fun at all.
After a fun weekend hanging out with Isaac, it's obvious that I am really lucky and am falling in love with him more and more as time passes. He is my rock and I love being able to talk to him about anything, especially when I'm hurt or depressed, everyone needs someone who can instantly cheer them up when they're sad. Isaac always makes me happy, I love him so much.

As my senior year is rapidly approaching I feel like there is way too much to do and not enough motivation to begin any of it. I really need to solidify what it is I want to do with my life and what kind of jobs I will be applying for this spring. I almost feel like it would be easier if someone just planned my career path for me so I didn't have to worry about it. Unfortunately, life does not make finding a steady job after college that easy. I know that God has an amazing plan already mapped out, I just need to trust in that and keep my options open.

I really miss home. Living in an apartment is awesome, but the Ellensburg heat and lack of activities really deter high levels of fun. Even though last summer wasn't that great, I love being able to walk down to the beach whenever I want and be much closer to my friends, family and boyfriend. Just a few more weeks and I will be able to go back. I really do miss the rain. Sweating in my room and on the way to my classes isn't very attractive.

I guess I always find myself writing in my blog instead of studying or doing homework that is due the next day. Must be a procrastination technique or something.

A couple days ago I tweeted that there are always more positives in life than negatives. True fact! Just being in America allows us to be filthy rich and have far more luxuries than most people will never even fathom of having.

Until next time.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer [school] and other updates

Well, I am all moved into my new place. It's definitely an upgrade from the dinky on-campus apartments, there's actually a kitchen that can fit more than one person! My stuff is still mostly scattered along the floor and the walls are mostly bare, but hopefully sooner rather than later I can get everything organized and looking snazzy. I have two other roommates, one is on the track team with me and the other girl is her best friend, so far so good! They are both super sweet and fun to hangout with. This should be an enjoyable and exciting year!
The weather has been beautiful and supposed to reach 90 tomorrow. That's hot!
. . Too bad I have 3 classes and half the amount of time to take them than a regular quarter, which means a ton of work. At least I get all of August off? I ended up with a 4.0 last quarter, first time in my life, my classes were really easy but I still want to work hard and be the best I can be!

Since I am an exercise science major I have been learning all about the benefits of exercise as well as the current statistics on obesity/overweight people in America, there's nothing like majoring in exercise to motivate me to get healthy. As I was walking home yesterday I saw a little boy riding his bike with his mom and sister trailing behind on foot, I glanced at his face and noticed he had the most complacent look, he was completely and utterly satisfied being on that bike. That radiance made me smile and I could feel the freedom and joy through something as simple as a bike ride. Things like that make me go on with life more appreciative, focusing on the simple luxuries in our day to day lives.
Speaking of bikes, I haven't owned one since I started driving, plus my hometown is nothing but hills which isn't very appealing. Anyway, I thought it might be cool if I had one here at school since everything is flat and riding a bike is not only a great workout but awesome!

I guess I could finish up my homework that's due tomorrow. Which is weird to say because it's summer, summer school is pretty much the pits. At least I'll hopefully graduate on time, right?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hi There

Yes, I am still alive.
Time has been flying by and my life has been filled with craziness amidst finishing this quarter, hanging out with Isaac (who's finally back!) and figuring out summer plans.
Only 2 more weeks of spring quarter and only 2 presentations left until freedom . . for a week and then summer school begins *sigh*

My sister just set her wedding date, August 19th! Things have been rolling along and I have the pleasure of being her maid of honor! Which doesn't really mean anything, because she is going to have a matron of honor that basically does all the work, lucky me!

In other news, track season came and went in a blink of an eye. Overall I did pretty well, the heptathlon conference was a little disappointing but I did PR in the 200 and shot put. I also made it to regular conference in high jump with a PR of 5' 1/4" so that was exciting. Now that track has ended I find myself especially lazy unless someone drags me along to do something athletic. Isaac and I went on a easy hike to Umptanum falls on Sunday which was a lot of fun, he's the greatest :)

Over and out!

Monday, April 11, 2011

April Showers

April had a bit of a rough start but things are starting to look up.

The heptathlon qualifier at Western last week went pretty well and I qualified for conference both in the hep and high jump! I just keep surprising myself in track which helps keep me motivated to keep pushing on.
School is super laid back, I found out I will most likely not have any finals. It's nice having a break from studying all the time.

In other news, my sister got engaged today! I still haven't talked to her, definitely found out on Facebook . . not the best way to find out but hopefully she'll call me back tomorrow. I'm really excited for her!

I still miss Isaac way too much (story of my life) A little more than a month until he comes back. I'm going crazy.

I need to start eating healthier and more portion controlled. I'm hungry all the time and snack on foods that are terrible for me. Maybe I should learn from my boyfriend and eat super healthy all the time. I might go insane if I try to do that, I'll at least start with more fruits and veggies. We'll see how that works out . .

Friday, March 25, 2011

Life's a beach

If you think about it, this is entirely accurate. Some days are calm and peaceful (my whole spring break) while others involving an earthquake end up creating a tsunami, destroying everything that was once serene and undisturbed.

I keep staring at my promise ring Isaac gave me while I was in Texas. Diamonds are absolutely beautiful. So shiny and mesmerizing. I find it amusing how many people had their first reaction of thinking I'm engaged, even though the ring is on my right hand. I'm thinking April 1st I will switch it up and see if anyone falls for it. What is a promise ring? I know some people have mixed feelings about them; basically it is a pre-engagement engagement ring, which I guess sounds silly. I look at it as a sign of Isaac's love for me and knowing he's serious about our relationship. That is comforting to me and keeps me hopeful about our future together.

Next quarter my credit load will be at the minimum of 12. I started looking for jobs that could possibly carry onto summer. I found a lady who posted just today looking for someone to babysit/ do some house cleaning while her husband is deployed. I think that would be really cool to help out, so that's an option. It has been way too long since I've had a job and having money would be nice.

I'm starting to drift on my workouts for track. I guess it's just not really my priority anymore. I feel like I have spent too much time and effort worrying about my performance, but why does that even matter? I basically just stuck with track during college to keep in shape, not to be the best, not to try and prove myself. I had a dream a few nights ago about wrestling and when I woke up I missed it so much. I really had a heart and passion for wrestling, never for track.

53 days until Isaac comes home. That's way too many.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Well, I survived my trip to Texas. It was challenging, but seeing Isaac made me so happy.
This past week has been super busy. Getting things turned in and preparing for finals has been stressful. Not to mention the track meet yesterday at PLU in the cold and rain was pretty miserable. I am ready for spring weather. I am more ready for Isaac to be back and track to be over so I can spend my time with him. That's going to be a while though. Being patient is hard.

I went to church and hung out with my sister today. During our conversation I realized how far we've come and how fast we have grown up. It seems like just yesterday she would be screaming at me to get out of her room, now we are talking about our relationships and possible marriage plans. Crazy!

I feel like this post is all over the place, but whatevsies!

The destruction of a 8.9 earthquake and tsunami in Japan is completely devastating. I can't even fathom what would happen if that happened close to home and affected all my friends and family. Definitely want to pray for the people of Japan and stay hopeful for the searching and rebuilding efforts. It hurts to see these types of disasters in the news :(

2 finals on Wednesday (which is my 5 month anniversary!) and 1 on Thursday. Then free for spring break and no plans to tie me down, perfect!

Friday, March 4, 2011


Greetings from San Antonio,TX!

I really wish I could write about all of the fun I'm having and how nice it is to get away from Ellensburg. Don't get me wrong, the 78 degree weather has been wonderful and much appreciated, however it's been the most stressful trip I've ever been on. Traveling with my boyfriend's divorced parents is . . I don't even know how to describe it, definitely dysfunctional and definitely unpleasant. It has been a struggle staying positive, but seeing Isaac and being with him is worth it, somehow. I really must love him if I haven't bought myself a plane ticket back home yet haha.
At least they have quite a few tracks on base so I was able to get a track workout in, which was very much needed. Getting in shape is hard :( Also, since it's the south, I've been eating the most unhealthy food ever. I feel gross.
I'm praying tomorrow is a better day, we get to spend the whole day with Isaac since his graduation was today. Also, instead of him having to be back at 8pm tomorrow night (which is when they're required to return, it sucks) he has the opportunity to go to a hockey game at 7, so he will have at least 2 extra hours! Sweet!

Getting enough sleep is not an easy task. Since the time difference is 2 hours here I want to stay up later, but everything starts really early. Technically, (Washington time) I've been going to bed at 8 and getting up at 4.

Anyhoot. I love Isaac, he hasn't changed too much but has definitely matured and become more proper (he's required to say sir and ma'am, it's weird). I look forward to the day he finally comes home (May 17th) but when he leaves for tech school on Monday in Mississippi, he's allowed to use his phone/laptop! What a luxury.

I guess I should go to bed. Love, peace and chicken grease!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Oh boy oh boy oh boy

This is the final stretch. I am just a paper away from being free. I'm heading home tomorrow night and then my flight leaves Wednesday morning at 11:30. I'm way too excited. Not only to get away from the snow that has been dumping in Ellensburg for 2 days straight, but to see the love of my life for the first time in 8 weeks! Lucky me :)

I've been packing for the past few days and I really hope I don't forget anything . . but that always seems to happen no matter how hard I try to avoid it.

Now on to finishing my book, writing a 4 page paper on it and perhaps getting some sleep. We'll see . .

Monday, February 21, 2011

Adventure is out there!

Growing up my family never went camping. We never did anything outdoorsy. The minimal experience I've had with camping or hiking is summer camps as a kid.
Up until recently I've never appreciated nature, I've never really taken a second look at the mountains or sunshine. Hiking allows no distractions, no laziness, nothing to look at but God's breathtaking creation. I went on a hike this morning with my friend Andy and it was so peaceful. The challenge of making it to the top and the feeling of accomplishment looking down on what you just did. It's awesome, I love it. I can not wait until summer so camping trips can take place and that feeling can be experienced days on end. Isaac loves hiking and I especially can not wait to spend time with him <3

Countdown until Texas: 9 days!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Be Mine

Happy Valentine's Day!
It wasn't the best day, Isaac isn't here so I had nothing planned. Thanks to my awesome friends though, I got enough candy and cards to last me the rest of the year. I feel so loved. I think it is really sweet when students in college give everyone a valentine, because that was usually the best day in elementary school. It's always a good feeling to know someone else is caring enough to give you a valentine, even more so in college because a teacher doesn't have to force us to give one out to the whole class.

Over the weekend I went to my friends wedding, which was at a really nice hotel in downtown Seattle. Everything was so beautiful and exuberant. I can not wait to get married. I want to be the bride in a stunning white dress holding a colorful bouquet of fresh flowers, beaming with joy awaiting to spend the rest of my life with an amazing man. *sigh* All in God's timing.
Love is the best!

On a different note, track practice was extremely frustrating today. For some reason all of the correction from my coach on the hurdles I took as harsh criticism. I felt like I wanted to cry the whole time because of frustration and lack of self-esteem. I hate that feeling. I hate not being good enough and not improving something after doing it over and over again. Ugh! It was just one of those days where track is a huge burden, where I ask myself how I got this far and why I keep going. Tomorrow is another day. I found out I'm doing pentathlon for indoor GNAC conference. 60m hurdles, high jump, long jump, shot put, 800m. Should be interesting. I practiced shot put for the first time since fall today, and have yet to clear a height in high jump. Plus the 800 just always sucks. I'm competing on Friday so we'll see how that goes.

To end the day on a positive, my intramural soccer team won 21-9! And I even scored a goal! So that was really awesome. Go Methodical Madness!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

You had me at hello

Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss

I miss Isaac. 
Soo much. 
25 more days until I get to see him. 

Now off to Boise for a track meet! 6 hour full van ride? Oh boy. . .

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.

Random or not-so random acts of kindness is something that means a lot to me. A person with a compassionate, selfless heart for others is really important. Whenever I see something like that, it makes me happy and joyful knowing there are people out there who make the world a better place. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Hey girl heyy

Welcome back! I've been pretty busy lately which means slacking on blog posts! Hurray!

Day 25 - A picture of your day.

haha not exactly my day, but I thought it was a good picture. I just have a lot to do, already did some grocery shopping but I have lots of laundry to do and get started on studying for a test and 2 papers due next week. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I've got the whole world. . .

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change.

Who wouldn't want to change the world? It may seem like a vast thing to do, but for once I would love to turn on the news (because I love watching the news) and watch all the good things happening instead of the shocking and depressing. I don't care if this sounds cheesy, but I truly want to make the world a better place. I am sick of people having to live in fear of what natural disaster or shooting spree will happen next. I guess for now we can only wait for Jesus to return! (Thanks Jay)

If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
Then we'd see the day when nobody died

So we keep waiting
Waiting on the world to change

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


 Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book.

Harry Potter Books!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

better believe it

Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at.

There's a whole lot of things I wish I was better at, but mainly during track I wish I could do better running hurdles. I AM improving though!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

creepy crawly

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget.

I saw the movie arachnophobia when I was little and have been afraid of spiders ever since. Terrifying movie!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Where your boyfriend at??

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

His name is Isaac Thomas Owen. 
He is my boyfriend.
 Sunday will be our 3 month anniversary. I love everything about him. I love how I can totally be myself around him and we can goof off together. I love how we can have spiritual conversations and learn about where God is working in our lives. I've never been called beautiful everyday, I've never gotten flowers for no reason, I've never experienced what a godly, respectful man is like until now. He treats me better than I deserve and I've never been happier. What a blessing! Right now he's in Texas for Air Force basic training and I miss him more than I ever thought I could miss anyone. I can't wait to see what our future has in store.
 He is my prince and I am his princess <3

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Love the skin you're in

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.

Carly Henley <3
Love Wins. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

wild animal

Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die.

Go on a safari!
I love giraffes!

Monday, January 10, 2011


Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.

My family!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Baby just say yes

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist.

Taylor Swift. 
Her songs are the story of my life. No joke. She's the best

Friday, January 7, 2011

All you need is love

Day 12 - A picture of something you love.

I love the beach.
I love how peaceful it is. I can sit and reflect on life, pray, appreciate God's creation and go on a walk with someone I love.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Don't hate cause you ain't!

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate.

 I hate them because of how real they seem. Also, it seems like lately I've been experiencing them more than usual. I had a problem with nightmares as a kid. They are awful and scary and make me fearful. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Happy new year!
I'm hopeful and anxious for 2011.
I spent last week in Spokane for a Campus Crusade for Christ conference which was wonderful! I learned so much and grew in my faith.

Time to brag about my perfect boyfriend- He got me a dolphin pillow pet, a new bible with my name on it (that made me cry), roses, a new water bottle because I lost mine, and bible highlighters. Since he left for basic training this morning he gave me a stack of cards, one to read every week. If that wasn't cute enough, he also gave his friend Andy enough money to buy me flowers for every month anniversary until he comes back. Can you say awwwww? I've never experienced this kind of love, this kind of selflessness. Isaac truly cares about me, truly loves me and is willing to show it every way possible. I love him and I will miss him way too much the next 4 months.
<3 <3 <3

Now to continue the 30-day challenge:
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.