Saturday, November 5, 2011


Well. Here I am. Sick as a dog and at home for the weekend, away from mostly everything.
As I sit on the couch covered in blankets and watch Something Borrowed for the third time, all the while refreshing my Facebook and contemplating every detail of life. The past week I have felt an overwhelming presence of drama and stress from all aspects. It is so easy to get caught up in what someone did or said or what not. Why do we expect so much from people? Why are we so shocked or offended when someone decides to do something we would quote on quote never even think of. When in actuality, the fact of the matter remains the same. We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Rom 3:23. Why are we so selfish and  boastful that we have to make ourselves look good? Ugh. It is easy to call another person out on what they are doing, but we all have our moments and aspects in our lives we are not proud of. I was looking at old high school journal entries and it is amusing how I always complained about the same thing each and every day. Of course there are some differences now, but overall nothing has changed. School is still a struggle, track is still a love/hate relationship and life is still a mystery. The most important thing is striving to be the best you can be. Reaching out to God first and foremost. Realizing where your heart is and who you can turn to for truth and comfort.
I don't know. Just some ideas.

I wish I wasn't sick and I wish I didn't cry watching sappy chick flicks. That's why this world isn't perfect I guess.

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