Monday, July 11, 2011

Half and half

Here we are. Halfway done with summer classes and I definitely did not do well on a test this morning. I just need to pass these classes and my summer will be redeemed. All I can do now is focus on studying. No fun at all.
After a fun weekend hanging out with Isaac, it's obvious that I am really lucky and am falling in love with him more and more as time passes. He is my rock and I love being able to talk to him about anything, especially when I'm hurt or depressed, everyone needs someone who can instantly cheer them up when they're sad. Isaac always makes me happy, I love him so much.

As my senior year is rapidly approaching I feel like there is way too much to do and not enough motivation to begin any of it. I really need to solidify what it is I want to do with my life and what kind of jobs I will be applying for this spring. I almost feel like it would be easier if someone just planned my career path for me so I didn't have to worry about it. Unfortunately, life does not make finding a steady job after college that easy. I know that God has an amazing plan already mapped out, I just need to trust in that and keep my options open.

I really miss home. Living in an apartment is awesome, but the Ellensburg heat and lack of activities really deter high levels of fun. Even though last summer wasn't that great, I love being able to walk down to the beach whenever I want and be much closer to my friends, family and boyfriend. Just a few more weeks and I will be able to go back. I really do miss the rain. Sweating in my room and on the way to my classes isn't very attractive.

I guess I always find myself writing in my blog instead of studying or doing homework that is due the next day. Must be a procrastination technique or something.

A couple days ago I tweeted that there are always more positives in life than negatives. True fact! Just being in America allows us to be filthy rich and have far more luxuries than most people will never even fathom of having.

Until next time.

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