Other challenges coming from that class include second guessing my major and goals in life. What exactly do I want to do after college? What do I love and have a passion for? I haven't figured it out yet, so I better stick to what I know best, sports and exercising.
In other news, my Christmas list consists of Settlers of Catan, stationary, running shoes and a Fred Meyer gift card.
My wonderful amazing boyfriend got me a build-a-bear with Air Force attire since he's going into to the Air Force. He leaves for basic training on January 5th. What a stud!
I've noticed people doing the "30 day challenge" on facebook and I thought I would join in on my blog! It's a cool way to open myself up as well as be consistant in my blog posts.
here goes nothing-
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.
1. I love giraffes
2. I'm left-handed and overly proud of it, and get excited when people notice
3. There are 100+ times where I should of gotten into an accident, but merely avoided it.
4. Love is patient, love is kind, bible verses are fun to find!
5. Buying things for other people makes me happier than buying things for myself
6. I enjoy listening to people who come to me having something to say
7. Little, simple acts of kindness bring me joy
8. I sleep with socks on, always.
9. Very rarely can I watch a movie at home fully without falling asleep
10. I eat a lot and would be huge if I didn't play sports
11. I'm soft spoken
12.I don't appreciate enough what God has done in my life.
13. I'm terrified of confrontation and tend to steer away from anything that leads to yelling and anger
14. Any health/ medical procedure, especially taking blood, makes me light headed and woozy
15. I want a puppy
3. There are 100+ times where I should of gotten into an accident, but merely avoided it.
4. Love is patient, love is kind, bible verses are fun to find!
5. Buying things for other people makes me happier than buying things for myself
6. I enjoy listening to people who come to me having something to say
7. Little, simple acts of kindness bring me joy
8. I sleep with socks on, always.
9. Very rarely can I watch a movie at home fully without falling asleep
10. I eat a lot and would be huge if I didn't play sports
11. I'm soft spoken
12.I don't appreciate enough what God has done in my life.
13. I'm terrified of confrontation and tend to steer away from anything that leads to yelling and anger
14. Any health/ medical procedure, especially taking blood, makes me light headed and woozy
15. I want a puppy
Number 10 is my favorite. I love you girl!