Remember way back when (okay, a little more than a month ago) I said the boy I had been crushing on just wanted to be friends? Well . . he had a change of heart and after hanging out in Seattle yesterday confessed he's willing to make it work.
"I miss you. I wasn't expecting to, but I do."
I had been dealing with the fact that I would be single for a while and was going to wait as long as I could, but as soon I made the acceptance of friendship, I was pleasantly greeted with a relationship opportunity. Yes, I have fears, yes I may have no idea what I'm getting myself into. However, for once in a long time I am truly happy and I truly believe this will work out better than anything I have had to deal with in my past. The future is not what I want to focus on, but the present. Living each day one step at a time and dealing with I have control over when stuff comes up. Staying positive and being selfless.
I have an exam tomorrow that is worth 20% of my grade and I know that after my 2 hour drive back to Ellensburg and after my soccer practice that leaves me a limited time to study. I guess whatever happens happens. I no longer feel like I have control over the results of my life.
So, here goes nothing. Here goes hoping for the best and praying my heart won't have to deal with another heartbreak or disappointment.
Ohhh life.
Congratulations on your new relationship Siri! That is amazing, and I hope it works out beautifully. I'm so happy for you! <3